Newquay Velo Club Meeting- Minutes
16th May 2018, 7pm
Newquay Tretherras School.
Attending. Lesley Richardson (LR), Sandy Chapman (SC), Richard Walton (RW), Tom Mellish (TM), Lol McKune (LM), Theresa frost (TF), Nick Flaherty (NF), Pete Green (PG), Dave Blackburn (DB), Nick Saunders (NS), Simon Karande (SK),Louise McKenny (LMc), Jen Code (JC), Maggie Mann (MM).
1. Apologies. Chris Lunn, Colette Clements, Xav Gotel, Jeanette Duncan (non member)
2. Matters Arising –(9th Oct 2017) a) Academy Fitness affiliation signed off £50 affiliation fee paid, b) Posters/flyers promoting club to be re-printed and some posted on Academy Fitness noticeboard-LM & SC, c) Club Captain confirmed as Pete Green, d) Breeze ride opportunities (starting 19th May) now replacing Introductory ride initiate, e) Club website up-dated -thanks to Dave Wrighting, f) Club Facebook presence to be simplified -LR to contact Lee Sp, g) Club kit LM in contact with “Custom Sports” as potential new suppliers (same design), samples for inspection were shared, new sizes to be requested by LM.
3. Membership 2018 up-date -33 as of 16th May.; a) RW to post reminders on FB for all outstanding renewals by 27th May; b) TM article for Newquay Voice to be “fine tuned” with some photos and contact details, plus reference to academy Fitness & club website; c) re-print of club promotional flyers RW & LM;
4. Club constitution(up-dated) was approved by those present. LR to sign off with witness.
5. Group ride leader (1,2 & 3) discussed:-a) Grp 1 – Tom Mellish, Group 2 – Pete Green, Group 3 -as per rota published earlier. Rides posted on FB (normally Friday pm) IT WOULD BE HELPFUL IF THOSE PLANNING TO ATTEND “Liked” or posted a comment in advance .b) Draft advice/tips for Group ride leaders was discussed and with amendments approved; these to be posted on website and on FB PLUS and Group ride leader “training” opportunity will be organised. STOP PRESS Quintrell Inn 8pm Wed 23rd May. c) Draft advice/tips for riding in a group discussed and passed, with amendments; will be posted on FB & website. d) Draft Emergency Response plan was discussed & further discussion will be planned for next club meeting. e) Group rides and wearing helmets, SC to check with British Cycling regarding extent of club insurance and anyone riding in a Club -Group ride without a helmet.
6. Academy Fitness -spinning classes- Spinning classes will finish at the end of May; new training opportunities to commence @ St Eval (nr NAAFI car park) in June, see FB for info.
7. AOB –a) PG raised opportunity for a group to experience velodrome session; currently £150 per hour, plus bike hire £10.50 + travel cost. Suggested that a session of 3 hours is considered and a min group of 10 to max of 15. PG will undertake further research and post on FB. b) LM to investigate an evening charity ride out with food and drinks available on completion; possible start/finish –“The Park” Mawgan Porth.
8. Date of next meeting to be decided by the Chairperson.